Tournament Preview (08/13/2022 – 08/19/2022)

Aug 12, 2022

Tournament Preview (08/13/2022 – 08/19/2022)
Upcoming Tournaments

  • The NB Golf Cars / M&M Golf Cars Foundation Pro-Am will take place on August 15 at Glen Oaks Country Club in West Des Moines, Iowa. Click here for more information.
  • The Urbandale 15U 9-Hole Junior Classic will take place on August 15 at Urbandale Golf & Country Club in Urbandale, Iowa. Click here for more information.
  • The Pee Wee Tour Championship will take place on August 15 at Urbandale Golf & Country Club in Urbandale, Iowa. Click here for more information.

Future Deadlines

  • Tuesday, August 16 is the last day to register for the Iowa PGA Pro-Select at Briarwood Golf Club in Ankeny, Iowa. Click here to register.
  • Wednesday, August 17 is the last day to register for the Iowa Senior PGA Professional Championship at Irv Warren Memorial Golf Course in Waterloo, Iowa. Click here to register.

Special Announcements

  • Palos Park, Illinois – The Junior PGA Championship hosted by Cog Hill Golf & Country Club in Palos Park, Illinois on August 2-5. Owen Sawyer of Cedar Falls, Iowa, Max Tjoa of Cedar Falls, Iowa, Shannyn Vogler of Sherrard, Illinois and Eden Lohrbach of Ames, Iowa all competed. Click here for results.
  • Waterloo, Iowa – The Iowa PGA Waterloo Junior and Pee Wee Classic presented by Community Motors was an Ace Point Event on the 2022 Iowa PGA Junior and Pee Wee Tour held at Irv Warren Memorial Golf Course. Special thanks to PGA Co-Head Professional Nate Lubs and Monte Meyer and the entire staff at Irv Warren Memorial Golf Course for their support in hosting. Click here for results.
  • Riverside, Iowa – The Iowa PGA hosted the sub-regional event for Drive Chip & Putt on Sunday, August 7 at Blue Top Ridge in Riverside. The Iowa PGA wants to congratulate the 144 youth that qualified for the event and to the 16 golfers (top 2 in each division) that advanced to the regional competition at Medinah Country Club in Medinah, Illinois, on October 1, 2022. The Iowa PGA would like to thank PGA Director of Golf Michael McNamara and the Blue Top Ridge staff and GIVE volunteers for the support in hosting this event. Click here for results.
  • Waterloo, Iowa – The Iowa PGA Section hosted the East and West Sub-Regional competitions Monday morning for the PGA Jr. League program. The teams represented at the East event were Quad Cities North, Iowa City/Cedar Rapids West, Iowa City/Cedar Rapids East and Dubuque. Teams represented at the West event were teams from Ames/Marshalltown West, Ames/Marshalltown East, Des Moines and Waterloo. Click here for results.
  • Iowa City, Iowa – The Iowa City Junior was an Eagle Point Event on the 2022 Iowa PGA Junior and Pee Wee Tour held at Finkbine Golf Course. Special thanks to PGA Director of Golf Jeff Moore, Tournament Director Larry Zoska, Tim Gravert Golf Course Superintendent, PGA Teaching Professional Jim Dickerson and the entire Finkbine Golf Course staff for their support in hosting this event. Click here for results.
  • Indianola, Iowa – The Iowa PGA Junior and Pee Wee at Deer Run was an Ace Point Event on the 2022 Iowa PGA Junior and Pee Wee Tour held at Deer Run Golf Club. The Iowa PGA would like to thank clubhouse manager Allison George and the entire Deer Run Golf Club staff. Click here for results.

Programs Offered by the Iowa PGA

  • Did you know the Iowa PGA offers these wonderful programs?
  1. Junior Golf Academy, Click here for more information.
  2. Swings With Kids, Click here for more information.
  3. Drive, Chip & Putt, Click here for more information.
  4. PGA Jr. League, Click here for more information.
  5. PGA.Coach, Click here for more information and to reach out to a PGA Professional for help on your golf game. (You also view the list of coaches in our Spring Magazine, click here for the Spring Issue).
  6. Junior Tour & Pee Wee Tour Schedules, click here.
  7. Charlie Burkart Scholarship, Click here for the more information.


  • Did you know about our Iowa PGA Digital Magazine? Click here to look back on some awesome Iowa PGA stories, Iowa PGA Results and Iowa PGA Junior and Pee Wee Tour results, ads from our Sponsors and many more other stories.

Follow the Iowa PGA
For more information and schedule updates, fans can follow the Iowa PGA on Facebook (, Twitter (@iowapga) and YouTube (  Fans can also get a behind the scenes look on Instagram (@iowapga).