Pace of Play Policy
Committee Pace of Play Policy: Rule 5.6b (3). The player shall play without delay. Between completion of a hole and playing from the next teeing ground, the player shall not unduly delay play. A group will be considered out of position if it is taking more than the allotted time to play and/or reaches the tee on a par 4 or par 5 that is clear of all players. A group out of position will be subject to individual timing. The timing of a player’s stroke will begin when the player has reached his ball and it is clearly his turn to play. A player will be allowed a maximum of 40 seconds to complete his stroke. If the player exceeds the time limit on one occasion, he will be warned that if he exceeds the time limit on one or more occasion, (total of 2), he will automatically incur a penalty of one stroke. If the player exceeds the time limit on one more occasion (total of 3), he will incur an additional two-stroke penalty. If the player exceeds the time limit a total of four times, the penalty is disqualification. Timing will discontinue when the group has regained its position. Times previously recorded that have exceeded the limit however will be held over for further occurrence.
The Iowa PGA Junior Golf Staff will be monitoring pace of play of all groups. We sincerely request your cooperation. If all competitors will cooperate, each event will be a more pleasant experience for everyone.
Note 1: If the player unduly delays play between holes, he/she is delaying the play of the next hole and the penalty apply to that hole.
Note 2: For the purpose of preventing slow play, the Committee may, in the condition of a competition Rule 5.6b (3) lay down pace of play guidelines including maximum periods of time allowed to complete a stipulated round, a hole, or a stroke.
The Iowa PGA Junior Golf staff does not wish to apply penalties for undue delay. However, we insist that, in the interest of all, the pace of play be reasonable. We believe that, it would be reasonable for a group of (3) players to take 15 minutes, on average, per hole. Meaning an 18-hole round should be completed in less than 4 hours and 30 minutes, and a 9 hole round should be completed in 2 hours and 15 minutes.
Our goal is to educate and inform our members on ways to continually improve pace of play. We realized that there are many factors that can affect pace of play on any given day however the bottom line is that slow play affects not only the players in the tournament, but it also affects the Iowa PGA Junior Golf Staff, the host facility, and parents of the players.
Play “Ready” Golf. This is where order of play is based on who’s ready, not who’s away.
- Move with purpose; walk fast between shots.
- Place your bag across from you, not behind you when you get to your next shot.
- Members of a group should not travel as a pack. Each member of the group should walk directly to his or her own ball.
- Use the time you spend getting to your ball to think about the next shot.
- Play a provisional ball if you think the original ball might be lost or out of bounds
- Begin reading the green and lining up putts as soon as you reach the green. Don’t wait until it’s your turn to start the process of reading the green. When it is your turn you will be ready to step right up to the ball and putt.
- When on the putting green, place your bag in a position that will enable quick movement off the green and towards the next tee.