Best Practice / COVID19
As updates are received, updates will be added to this site. Please always defer to what your state and county are requiring on decisions they are making/demanding.
Here are some helpful links:
CDC Resources
PGA of America Resources
- Coronavirus Resource
- MAP (SupportLinc) Resource Page
- Small Business Paycheck Protection Program Highlights
US Government Resources
- – Small Business Loans
- Department of Labor – Family First Act
- US Chamber of Commerce – Small Business
White House Resources
State of Iowa Resources
- Iowa Department of Health Resource
- Iowa Governor Reynolds Monday, 3/16/2020 Declaration
- Iowa Workforce Development
- Iowa Workforce Development FAQ Page
- Iowa Business Recovery Relief Fund
- Travel Iowa COVID19 Recovery Resources
- Alcoholic Beverages Division Update Page
State of Illlinois Resources
- Illinois Department of Health Resource
- Illlinois Governor Pritzker, Sunday, 3/15/2020 Declaration
- Illinois Department of Employment Security
- Clarification on Governor Pritzker’s Executive Order regarding Golf Courses from 3/24/2020
National Club Association Resources
- National Club Association COVID Resource Page
- COVID Preparedness
- National Club Association Town Hall
- Tax Advice Food To Go
- Tax Advice – Grants, Disaster Relief Funds – W2 Employees
Iowa Golf Council – Iowa Golf Association, Iowa Golf Course Superintendents & IowaPGA
- What other Golf Facilities Status are – hosted by the Iowa Golf Association
- Iowa Golf Course Superintendents Assocation COVID19 Resource
Additional Resources
- Jani King-reducing risk in your facility
- Golf Business Network
- GCSAA State Update
- National Golf Foundation
- CMAA Resource Page
Best Practice Resource Resources
PGA HQ staff will be operating remotely effective Monday; while Valhalla and PGA Golf Club remain open to the public. We also provided a set of common-sense recommendations for consideration by operators. We have committed to keeping PGA Professionals up-to-date through “Five Things to Know” and on a regular basis. From an MSR and education perspective, please note the following:
MSR Cycle – Extend the MSR cycle deadline from June 15, 2021 to June 15, 2022, for all Members. This is due to a number of MSR activity opportunities – meetings, education, tournaments, player development – that could be postponed or canceled. Additionally, this relieves pressure on Sections and Members to conduct or take part in these activities during this unprecedented time of uncertainty.
Acceptable Progress – Extend the Acceptable Progress deadlines of all PGA Associates by one year. As travel to the PGA Education Center is currently curtailed, PGA Education staff is exploring online opportunities. With uncertainty of testing sites remaining open, this provides flexibility with regard to Associates meeting their deadlines.
PGA Golf Management University Students – 14 of our 18 GMU’s have currently cancelled classes and have moved to online delivery. PGA Education Staff will work with the universities directly in regard to needed accommodations within the Criteria and Standards.
PGA Associates – We have cancelled pending seminars at Port St. Lucie through April. 81 individuals were impacted and we are refunding everyone’s registration fee and charging them back at a discounted rate. The team is looking into online options that could be adopted in the future. Teaching & coaching and Executive Management is offered on a quarterly basis and therefore have not been impacted.
At this time, we are working closely with state and local public health and government officials in Texas, California and Michigan regarding the playing of our three upcoming events: The PPC, PGA Championship and KitchenAid Senior PGA Championship. With the PGA Tour canceling The Players Championship and its next three events; the LPGA cancelling four events; and Augusta National postponing the Masters, we will be asked many questions about the status of our events.
We will continue to evaluate the status of each event every two weeks and provide further updates when available. Our hope is that the situation will improve, and once cleared by public health authorities, our events could be a welcome “return to normal.” That said, the health and well-being of all involved is our first priority and mandates from public health authorities will guide our decisions.
As noted above, we have asked all PGA HQ staff to work remotely for the foreseeable future in an attempt to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among our team. We would recommend that all PGA Sections follow our lead in this area. The Iowa PGA has begun providing the option for staff to work remotely, all have agreed to work remotely unless absolutely necessary to have in office work. We have stressed to our staff how important it is that we continue to operate at an extremely high level to serve our Members and Sections during this period. The Iowa PGA will remain in daily contact with the PGA of America and Section Business Operations for any updates and changes.
In addition, we have put a travel ban in effect both internationally and domestically. For at least the next four weeks, we also recommend that you postpone any group gatherings you are planning to host. At this time we have cancelled, or postponed, Section activities through April 10th. We will review on a daily basis if a change is needed.
And most importantly, stay close to what your state and local officials advise for your area. In addition, with the PGA Tour event cancelations, the corresponding qualifying events are also cancelled.
PGA Member Assistance Program
People are understandably concerned about their health, jobs and future. During these unprecedented times, the PGA Member Assistance Program provides confidential, professional counseling and online services for a wide array of personal and well-being concerns. We encourage you to remind your fellow Members they can seek help at In addition, online guidance on preventive health and safety measures we can all take are available from the CDC.
This situation is evolving in real-time and we all need to help be a part of the solution and then a big part of the recovery. Our sport is incredibly well positioned to do that as we have in our society in many other times of need. Let’s keep very open lines of communication as this situation continues to evolve.
Don’t hesitate to contact any one of us at the Section. Our Staff emails are list on our Staff Page. If we are not in the office at the time of your call, leave a voice message and that message will be transferred through our email system.
Below are some answers as of 03/16/2020.
This was the initial question:
For members that are playing golf and store their clubs/speed carts/et cetera. What precautions have you taken or what procedures do you have in place to protect the staff and the membership from potentially transmitting anything. Do the members have to call ahead? Does the staff have to wear gloves? Are they allowed in the Golf Shop to purchase products?
Any help would be greatly appreciated in what your Golf Departments or facilities are doing with this.
To: Golf Professionals and General Managers
What: Golf Operations Coronavirus Protocol for Cleaning
1) With the continued focus on making sure our Members and Employee partners are safe during this difficult time, please follow the protocol below regarding cleaning areas within our golf operations:
Golf Carts:
Steering wheels, cart seats, sand bottles and coolers (if applicable) must be wiped down after each round with disinfectant spray or wipes
STOP putting pencils on golf carts and allow for members to grab their pencils as they begin their round in starter boxes on the first tee. Or display scorecards and pencils near cart staging and instruct your members to grab them before their round begins.
Keyboards, Micros touch screens and the pro shop counter must be wiped down with disinfectant spray or wipes regularly throughout the day during operation
Pens that are used for signing tickets must be wiped down continuously throughout the day with disinfectant spray or wipes
Please make hand sanitizers available throughout the pro shop and outside service areas
Doors and other high touch areas should be wiped frequently with disinfectant spray or wipes
Ensure that bag room areas are cleaned and disinfected regularly
Rental club grips must be wiped down with disinfectant spray or wipes after each use
After each round is completed by a member or guest please use the follow phrase to address the member or guest: “Welcome back, how was your round today? Are you ok if I clean your clubs and place your bag either in the bag room or on the bag drop?”
All golf staff should refrain from shaking hands
Thank you for the continued focus and support with helping keep our clubs and golf operations clean. Obviously, being outside presents less of risk of acquiring the virus so making sure we communicate about the steps we are taking to keep our golf operations clean and sanitized to our members, the more our members and guests will continue to play golf.
2) One Public Golf Course Implemented these proceedures.
1-Pre-paid tee times are preferred.
2-Remote check-in on both first tees using cc only. Employees wear gloves to swipe cards.
3-Sanitize each steering wheel, seat, drink holder of all carts when they are returned to the pro shop area.
4-Sanitize all clubs, bag handles and headcovers in rental sets.
5-Provide hand sanitizer at the entrance/exit of bathrooms and pro shop area.
3) 2020 Coronavirus (COVID-19) update:
The following information is related to the Coronavirus, specifically our golf course. Please review the materials carefully. If you are not feeling well, DO NOT REPORT TO WORK. The golf course plans to remain open, lesson programs will continue as well as league play. We are working through how to address golf outings that want to eat afterwards and banquets with large gatherings. As you can imagine, this will be a fluid situation, likely to have policies and procedures amended as time passes.
We are monitoring information published by the Department of as it relates to the two major contagions, COVID-19 and the flu. Please refer to the additional resources listed below for more information. The following interim guidance may help prevent workplace exposures to these illnesses:
Employees who have symptoms of acute respiratory illness are recommended to stay home and not come to work until they are free of fever (100.4° F [37.8° C] or greater using an oral thermometer), signs of a fever, and any other symptoms for at least 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing or other symptom-altering medicines (e.g. cough suppressants). Employees should notify their supervisor and stay home if they are sick.
Supervisors will send staff home if they arrive to work presenting symptoms, as listed above.
Be mindful and intentional about your personal etiquette including coughing, sneezing, and frequent and proper hand washing.
Take charge of your work area and perform routine and frequent cleaning. This includes wiping down keyboards, desks, phones, tables, countertops, doorknobs, copy machines, and any other items that are touched by you and others on a regular basis. Use the cleaning supplies readily available in your work area. If you do not have an ample supply, please contact your facility manager.
Effective immediately, we are cancelling indoor and outdoor programs and events through at least April 5, 2020, including reservable areas, indoor play areas, visitor centers, exhibit areas and the Nature Center at the Summit.
Our outdoor locations including parks, golf, camping, boating and trails will remain open to guests.
We are cancelling all external business meetings and travel effective immediately, through April 5, 2020. If you are uncertain due to the nature of a specific meeting, please contact your division Chief.
All of this is in an effort to limit public gatherings to slow the spread of the virus.
We will continue to communicate with you regarding updates and changes as decisions are made.
Golf Carts:
Steering wheels and cart seats must be wiped down after each round with disinfectant spray or wipes
STOP putting pencils on golf carts and allow for guests to grab their pencils as they begin their round. Remove used pencils after cart is returned and clean off to use again.
Keyboards, Micros touch screens and the pro shop counter must be wiped down with disinfectant spray or wipes regularly throughout the day during operation
Pens that are used for signing tickets must be wiped down continuously throughout the day with disinfectant spray or wipes
Doors and other high touch areas should be wiped frequently with disinfectant spray or wipes
Rental club grips and pull carts must be wiped down with disinfectant spray or wipes after each use
All golf staff should refrain from shaking hands
Range baskets
Wash your hands on a regular basis